
Eighty traffic stops in four years. Five robberies directed by a corrupt local District Attorney and Sheriff and County and State officials with no concern for the Rule of Law, Ethics or basic human decency. Home invasion and death threats by armed Sheriff Deputies with AR-15s and shotguns pointed at my head and at my dog "Boomer's" head while two young children were mere feet away on a second floor. False arrest. False imprisonment.

The FBI despite numerous credible sources and vast amounts of evidence refused to act to uphold the law and protected the perpetrators of crimes for years while victims continued to report abuses no moral person would ever ignore or assist even one time.

Federal & State officials at the highest levels dismissed and denied the brutal crimes occurring in Southeast NC for decades!

The FBI, US DOJ, and every public official & law enforcement officer refused to act even defending child victims of local officials.

Officials routinely, always opted, to reflect the amusement, evil, sadistic corruption and absence of basic human decency enjoyed and proudly cherished by a population that thrives on destroying the lives and maximizing the suffering and grief of any threat or perceived opposition to any criminal abuses, evil acts & limitless abuses of power for criminal purposes by unaccountable, unethical, inhumane abusively cruel yet cherished leaders in NC elected by the citizens to advance desired Corruption, Injustice and Torment.

Death would have been preferable to my fate for being principled at a cost of ruining my own life & enduring years of constant torture, violence, irreversible damage & tax-funded smear campaigns completely invented "stories" by bribed "reporters" eager to profit from their own absence of ethics, integrity, morality, empathy, human decency and any semblance of Christian virtue.


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Jul 4Liked by Bret Swanson

My ideal Supreme Court would be Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch. On virtually every decision in recent years, the majority of those three have been on the right side.

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