Here's another paper I hadn't noticed confirming persistence of modRNA one month after vaccination. Clinical and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Case of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Myositis. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/7/1135.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2gScTYFP9E&t=338s Sparks/Cern/ Dr, Levin Car T-Cells explain how the very first shot was a gene modifier permanently and now the new medicine for the new human. This video explains this definitively making this therapy sound benevolent. It establishes the intent of the jabs to accomplish this -they cared not that they caused cancers they intended for the new medicine gene "treatments". This was the purpose of the whole program world wide. Making new synthetic biology that would need upgraded treatments forever and killing many in the experiments along the way meant nothing.

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